Gender budgeting is an application of gender mainstreaming in the budgetary process and a strategy with the long-term aim of achieving gender equality goals.

Gender Budgeting is important, because:

  • It Promotes Accountability and Transparency in Fiscal Planning
  • It Increases Gender-responsive participation in the Budget process
  • It Advances Gender Equality and Women's rights as an integral part of civil society

Gender Budgeting involves conducting a gender-based assessment of budgets, incorporating a gender perspective at all levels of the budgetary process and restructuring revenues and expenditures in order to promote gender equality.

Aipfe Cyprus, along with 400 other NGO's and Universities in Cyprus are members of the Cyprus Gender Budgeting Platform aiming to raise awareness and understand the steps needed to advocate for this change in the Government Budgets of Cyprus.

Our involvement with the Cyprus Gender Budgeting Platform began in January 2023 with a first meeting organised by the Fimonoi Foundation Initiative in collaboration with the Office of the Commissioner for Gender Equality, to discuss: "The Role of Gender Budgeting in Mainstreaming the Gender Dimension." AIPFE was one of the first NGO’s in Cyprus to take part in gender budget training workshops run by Mary Pyrgos - the Founder of the Fimonoi Foundation and the Gender Budgeting Platform in Cyprus. 

In September 2023, AIPFE was proud to be Knowledge Partner at the Gender-budgeting panel discussion held at the Cyprus Forum under the theme of Transparency. Ulrike Marx from the University of Leicester was invited to talk about her involvement in the strategy and methodology for the integration of gender budgeting in Austria.  Read more about the Event

AIPFE was also part of the organising committee for the very first European Gender Budgeting Conference that took place at the University of Cyprus, Nicosia on the 22nd and 23rd February, 2024. The event was attended by pre-eminent women leaders in the area of Gender Budgeting from all over Europe.

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