Gender Budgeting Panel Discussion: a more efficient, fairer and transparent budget for Cyprus' citizens

AIPFE was proud to be Knowledge Partner at the Gender-budgeting panel discussion held at the Cyprus Forum this year under the theme of Transparency. AIPFE is acutely aware of the importance and impact of this budgetary reform, and is one of the first NGO’s in Cyprus to take part in gender budget training workshops.  

The panel discussion took place on Saturday, 30th September 2023 and was moderated by our member Melina PyrgosThe panel featured the following guest speakers: 

Ulrike Marx: economist, researcher and professor at Leister University, who worked on the strategy and methodology for the integration of gender budgeting in Austria, considered one of the few countries that has successfully implemented it in government.

Mary Pyrgos: Coordinator of the Cyprus Platform for the Integration of Gender Budgeting, researcher and trainer on gender budgeting issues. Since 2021, she has been investigating the issue of gender budgeting, and reviewing methods for its successful implementation in Cyprus. Mary Pyrgou will talk about the reasons why this reform is important, its impact and where Cyprus is in terms of its progress.

Christina Loizou: An Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA) and Fellow Chartered Accountant, working at the Health Insurance Organisation (HIO) since 2008 in the Accounting Department. The HIO is committed to running the first gender-budgeting pilot in Cyprus.

The objectives of the panel discussion were:

- to inform citizens on the benefits arising from this reform 

- to present the successful case study of Austria

- to inform the public about the measures being promoted in Cyprus and the role that this reform will play in the preparation of a more efficient budget, good administration, transparency, the fight against corruption and the fairer distribution of state resources

- to draw the Government's attention to the matter in order to speed up the procedures for the reform

Click to watch the session which starts at 2:22:00

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