The Board of AIPFE Cyprus - Women of Europe ‘Dares to Care’ underlining that rare genetic diseases are worthy of recognition as a global health concern. Equity in health care and access to diagnosis in therapies for the 300 million humans worldwide is imperative. #RareDiseases are often misdiagnosed, or, go for years without a diagnosis. Behind each rare disease, there is a story- a very distinct and rare story- coupled with invisible pain- physical, psychological and mental. Today, we ‘share our stripes’ and express support to rare patients.
The Board of AIPFE Cyprus - Women of Europe #DarestoCare underlining that rare genetic diseases are worthy of recognition as a global health concern.
Equity in health care and access to diagnosis in therapies for the 300 million humans worldwide is imperative. #RareDiseases are often misdiagnosed, or, go for years without a diagnosis. Behind each rare disease, there is a story- a very distinct and rare story- coupled with invisible pain- physical, psychological and mental.
Today, we ‘share our stripes’ and express support to rare patients.
#AloneIamRareTogetherWeAreStrong #RareDiseaseDay
ΠΣΣΓΠ - Μοναδικα Χαμογελα